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Blog - growers supplies

​Soil To Sky, Frostproof Has All Of The Orchard Supplies You Need

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Infographic showing the orchard supply and growers supply products Frostproof offers.

If you own or manage an orchard, you know just how important it can be to have the right tool when you need it. Hand trimmers aren’t going to do much good when you’re pruning a three-inch thick branch. Similarly, you don’t need to bring out the hedge trimmers when it comes time to harvest oranges.

Frostproof has been providing the best in growers’ supplies for more than 30 years, ensuring that those who work in orchards are seeing the highest yield possible year after year. As the infographic on this page states, we have you covered soil to sky. All you have to provide is the trees!


How each individual tree performs begins with the soil. If the soil isn’t right, every tree in the entire orchard can languish. Maybe even worse is when the trees are doing well but not bearing fruit, leading you into a false sense of progress. Frostproof carries the best means for testing the soil, including pH testers, salinity testers, soil probes, soil moisture meters, and other soil testing equipment. When you know what your tree needs to be as fruitful as possible, you’ll know what to add to the soil so that you’ll have the best possible harvest.


Ignore the needs of the tree and you’ll soon be out of business. Frostproof can help you grow the trees you want, helping them thrive when they’re young and shaping them to grow the best possible fruit as they head toward the sky.

Protect them early on with tree wrap. Tree wrap provides a wide variety of benefits, including rodent dissuasion, UV protection, and herbicide protection. They also inhibit sprout growth so that all of the plant's energy is going into growing the tree up, not out. If you’ve been grafting, the black interior of some tree wrap will prevents light from reaching the graft or budding point. Of course, Frostproof is known for its ready supply of the best budding and grafting supplies in the world.

Finally, you want to shape the tree into the perfect fruit producer, so as it grows we have the best orchard hand tools that make pruning a breeze: pruners, saws, and loppers that make shaping a tree a breeze.


How’s your fruit doing? You can see it, you can smell it, and you can taste it, but there’s only so much the human body can do to determine the right time to harvest. Get scientific results when you properly test the fruit, whether you’re in the field or in the lab. Frostproof has the best fruit testing equipment available, including acid test and brix test kits, fruit sizers, penetrometers, and refractometers.

When your fruit testing equipment tells you that it’s time to harvest, we’re ready to supply you with everything you need to get your produce off the trees and onto the trucks as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our fruit harvesting tools include totes, fruit-specific clippers and shears, and shoulder picking bags in a variety of sizes and weight-bearing capacities.


While Frostproof can’t control the weather, we can give you ways to be informed about it and take preventive measures so that your plants respond to it in the best possible way.

Rain gauges and weather meters can help you know what’s already happened and what’s predicted to happen so that you can adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Our thermometers can also tell you exactly how cold and hot it got during the day so that you don’t risk losing a harvest to frost or heat.

Shade cloth is most often used for annual vegetables, but in some circumstances it makes sense to protect young trees from the heat of the sun. Shade cloth can also go a long way to reducing the amount of water you use for each tree, as the water has time to soak into the soil before it evaporates.

If you care about your orchard, you don’t want guesswork to determine how good the harvest is. Use the best in growers’ supply and you’ll give your orchard the best chance at a banner year!

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