Did you know that only 10% of water and fertilizer applied with traditional methods are used by trees during the early phase of citrus establishment? Up to 90% of granular fertilizer and water applied with traditional methods are not used by trees and could end up in the sub-soil or ground water. We've got the ultimate nursery and garden product...Tree-T-Pees.
Using Tree-T-Pees cuts water usage from 8.6 gallons per day to 0.65 gallons per day. That's a savings of 93%. That also translates to a similar reduction in fuel costs associated with running irrigation pumps. The average citrus grower runs their pumps 6-8 hours per watering. Using the Tree-T-Pee, run times are cut to 1 hour, saving millions of gallons of water and thousands of gallons of fuel each year. The Tree-T-Pee works by focusing water and liquid fertilizer into a small perimeter at the base of the tree, promoting deep root growth by applying water and nutrients directly to the tree, with no runoff or overspray. And because water and fertilizer are concentrated on just the tree, surrounding areas are not watered or fertilized, resulting in decreased herbicide costs as well. And for cold protection, there is no better product.
The Tree-T-Pee takes the advantages of Micro Jet irrigation and multiplies them exponentially. The inverted cone shape wraps around young trees and concentrates irrigation water into a sauna, raising temperatures 10 + degrees. This concentrated moisture and heat also results in increased growth rates of up to 30%, helping to bring new trees into production years sooner by promoting rapid canopy development. Tree-T-Pees pay for themselves in 1-2 years and start saving you money thereafter.
Think you've Tree-T-Pees before? They were first seen on ABC's TV series Shark Tank.