Frostproof has been supplying orchard managers and backyard gardeners with grafting tools for more than 30 years. If you’re new to grafting, you might be wondering why it’s so important to have a specific knife, tape, and wax for the task. Well, as they say, it’s important to have the right tool for the right job. That’s where our grafting products come in.
Grafting Knife
It’s important to have a good grafting knife if you’ll be grafting a tree, one that will stay sharp even as you use it often. We have a wide assortment of the best German grafting knives available from Tina, as well as budget-conscious knives from Victorinox. When you have a high-quality grafting knife you’re not going to need to sharpen it as often. Most important, you’re going to get a cleaner cut so that you’re less likely to damage the bark that you’re working with.
Grafting Tape
Once you have your bark cut with a grafting knife and your scions are inserted under the bark so that the cambium layers are touching, it’s important that you create a tight seal with grafting tape. This tape keep the scions in place with pressure and helps prevent air and water from getting in. The special aspect of grafting tape is that it stretches so that the tree and scions have space to grow.
Tree Grafting Wax
While grafting is great for you and can benefit the tree’s performance in the long run, you have to do damage to the tree in order to get it to grow to your liking. Unfortunately, damage to a tree can invite insects and disease if the graft is not properly sealed. We carry Trowbridge’s Tree Wax in a variety of sizes so that you can apply it to the cuts by hand or with a brush and create an airtight and watertight seal.
Grafting can be a fun and rewarding way to make the most of a growing tree. When you’re looking for the best way to protect your trees and help them grow, get the best in grafting supplies from Frostproof!