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Lawn care is never easy. When you see gorgeous green lawns that have no weeds or crab grass it's mostly because the person in charge of the lawn maintenance is diligent and uses the right tools for the job. One of the most popular Yard Butler products we carry is the lawn core aerator that helps reduce thatch and compaction by letting air, water and fertilizer reach the roots. After watering your lawn, use the all steel aerator to step down firmly and pull up to remove barriers that inhibit water and air from getting to the roots.
Bending and kneeling in a garden on a hot afternoon can be tiring and lead to sore muscles. Yard Butler knows how this can affect the care and attention you give to your garden so they've designed the comfortable and practical garden kneeler and seat that offers a ¾" layer of foam that cushions knees while the extended arms act as handles making it easier to get up and down from a kneeling position. Flip it over and you have a sturdy bench seat that will make wedding much easier.