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Time Saving Garden Tips


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Disposable Nitrile glovesWhether it's because you work two jobs or have a family to raise not everyone can spend hours of leisure time tending to their garden. We'd all like to make gardening our full time job but until someone is going to pay exorbitant amounts for your summer squash and daffodils you'll have to keep gardening as a hobby.

Since you don't have endless amounts of spare time to dedicate to your garden it is important that you make the most of the time you have. At Frost Proof Growers Supply we know how hard it can be finding the time to spend pruning your plants and watering your rows so we offer a few simple tips that will help you focus on the task at hand.

cta-2-time-saving.jpgPlan Ahead: One mistake many gardeners make is to wing it. This is especially bad if you are a beginner. Gardens take a lot of time and energy to make it work and if you don't have a well-thought out plan you may end up just spinning your wheels. Not only will having a plan allow you to avoid wasting time but it can also help you focus and be more productive.

Use a Tool Belt: Watching someone make endless trips back and forth to their tool shed can be painful. The time is takes you to walk back and forth to get shovels, rakes, trowels and hedge shears could be better spent working in the garden. Avoid this waste of time by having a high quality garden apron or tool belt that will allow you to keep your most used tools right by your side.

Be Smart when Watering: If you are not careful you could spend a large portion of your time standing on your plot watering flower beds and plant rows. Using a high quality sprinkler system with an automatic timer could free up your time and allow you to work on other tasks instead. Some areas will still need to be watered manually, but for the most part you can use a sprinkler system to keep your garden hydrated.


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