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So you want to start a garden? Cultivating and tending to a home garden is a very rewarding hobby and gives people a chance to connect with nature and see the results of their labor. However, starting a garden isn't as easy as throwing some seeds down and hoping for the best. It takes patience, the right tools, specific supplies and due diligence to make a garden flourish and at Frostproof Growers Supply we want to help you get the most out of your garden so we present some basic tips for how to get off on the right foot.
Patience – Award winning gardens don't happen overnight. Like any new project there is a learning curve and don't get frustrated when the seeds you've sown don't reap the plants you want. Foul weather, frost, animals and insects can all combine to make a mess of your garden but it's important not to give in just because nature threw you a few curve balls. Staying positive and learning from your mistakes is two of the most important aspects of tending to a garden so try to look at each hurdle as a learning experience.
Plant what you Enjoy – Don't make gardening difficult. If you try to emulate gardens that are cultivated by professionals you'll just end up being frustrated and disappointed. A good rule for beginners is to grow what they will enjoy. If you and your family have a taste for fresh vegetables then start with some of your favorites. Tomatoes, peppers and green beans are good starter options for beginning gardeners and when you work with plants and vegetables you enjoy you'll have a more vested interest in the end results.
Start Small – A common mistake many beginning gardeners make is going in way over their head. Instead of picking one vegetable to start they till rows of zucchini, watermelon, cucumbers, lettuce and asparagus and quickly find themselves in a nest of wild growth and weeds. Pick a simple vegetable that will be easy to tend (cherry tomatoes are a good start) and take it slow. It's also a good idea to meet with other gardeners and find out how they started and what tips they can offer a beginner. Make gardening fun and give it time to succeed.
For great gardening tools and supplies check out Frostproof Growers Supply
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