Here at Frostproof Growers Supply, we take care of the needs of many orchards and nurseries around the world, shipping them products that make their fields as efficient as possible. But we also love selling single garden products, hand tools, hoses, waterers, and pruning tools to home gardeners across the country. We’re proud that people have chosen us to for their garden supplies.
Of course, every time we ship a tool for gardening, that means that it’s heading to a garden, no matter how big or small. That makes us happy too, because it means that someone out there is experiencing the myriad of benefits of having a garden. Let’s take a look at some ways that gardens can improve you life.
Stress Relief
Nearly every person has a need to “get back to nature.” New York City recognized this in 1857 when it establish Central Park, leaving 843 acres (today worth more than $500 billion as a property) as a place where people could experience dirt, trees, bushes, and grass in an otherwise urban environment.
Interacting with the natural environment is something that humans long for, and picking up some garden hand tools relaxes us as we get back to nature.
A home garden doesn’t tend to get your heart moving too much unless you’re pulling up those corn stalks or watermelon vines at the end of the season. Still, gardening does keep you limber when you kneel down, stretch to pick a tomato that’s in the middle of the garden, or shuffle along as you plant seeds.
Gerdening also helps because it has an end goal. Walking on a treadmill, or even walking around the block, can make you feel like you’re not getting anywhere. Gardening will help you feel like you’re moving forward, which give you an incentive to keep at it. (During gardening season, no dust gathers on garden tools!)
Increase Your Dexterity
If you’re getting up there in age, gardening is a great way to improve your hand strength and dexterity. You have to deftly pluck the suckers from tomato plants, use clippers to remove diseased leaves, and tie up stray plants to their cages with flagging tape. Get those fingers limber!
You’re Out In the Air
If you’re like most people you spend far too much time indoors. Air quality tends to be much worse indoors than out, and getting out in the fresh air is something that your body craves.
You’re Getting Sun
You need vitamin D, and the best way for our bodies to synthesize it is to get some sunlight. While you certainly don’t want too much sun (we can help with gardening hats), you need at least 10 minutes a day of sunlight on your skin.
Self Esteem
Gardening makes you feel good. Keeping plants alive, watching them grow, and finally harvesting those plants gives a great feeling of accomplishment. Sitting down at the kitchen table and knowing that you’re sustaining yourself with something you grew makes you feel even more proud!
There are so many benefits to gardening, and these are just a few of them. When you want to make the most of your garden, check out all of the garden products we carry here at Frostproof Growers Supply.